
Participatory formats of knowledge exchange and creativity are important to me. I offer the workshops below to small-medium groups in order to create fun spaces for dialogue and horizontal education. Each has a duration between 2 and 4 hours and requires no prior knowledge of the topics. They consist of sharing art material, discussions, and brief exercises. The material is from different socio-cultural contexts (primarily in English with CC) as I try to focus on artists from the Periphery and BPoC artists. Everyone is free to participate and contribute as much as they feel comfortable.

I have led the workshops in a variety of settings (academic, cultural, community, festivals) internationally. They are offered in English or Greek. I’m happy to work with translators/ SL interpreters to make them available to more people (longer duration should be calculated if the translation is asynchronous). The content is customisable to better fit the focus/needs of the group. They are offered in-person as well as virtually (Jitsi, Zoom etc). If your group, team, or organisation wants to hire me to lead one of the workshops please get in touch.


ARTivism, Feminisms, Queerness

This workshop offers an opportunity to explore how women*, femmes, and/or queer people have expressed themselves addressing issues of gender inequality, lack of representation, and their opposition to the heteropatriarchy through creativity and art. With examples from the Arabian Peninsula, the Caribbean, the UK, the USA, and S. Africa participants will have the opportunity to see different aesthetics and modes of activism and resistance through art. Music videos, street art, performance art, TED talks, poems, photography, illustrations, and print-making all come together to empower us and our communities, offer us ideas on how to resist and positively represent ourselves as minoritarian subjects.


Embodied Gestures of Disobedience

This workshop takes the “gesture” as a point of departure and explores gestures (literal and metaphorical) as embodied modes of opposition and resistance through which to explore activist practices. We will delve into how they have been used by feminist, queer, left-wing, anarchist, antiracist, antiauthoritarian, dis_ability, and environmental activists in culture and art. Spanning the last 80 years participants will see examples from Argentina, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iraq, Turkey, the UK, the US, and the Internet. We will discuss their aesthetic and political significance and try to learn from them by implementing this knowledge in similar struggles against oppression and conservatism. How are ideas expressed through symbolic gestures? How is meaning attached to embodied ritualised processes? How is humour employed as a tool for political action? Through images, videos, discussions, and exercises participants will acquire or expand a vocabulary of political expressions and through the analysis collectively create a space of rehearsal and experimentation.


Language and Gender in Art

This workshop is meant as an introduction to the field of language and textuality in modern and contemporary art through the lens of gender. How is language used and how is gender performed? What tactics does language offer for self-expression? What tools can be used for representation? Through examples from the 1970s till present day, participants will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with a number of artworks and gain the tools to critically analyse the role of gender in different contexts. We will discuss the history of language art, lavender linguistics (the field that explores the language used by LGBTQ+ people and includes a number of slangs from around the world many of them used in artworks as a code), and reflect on how the language used by the artist to define themselves and their sociocultural position informs the work itself. The material shared is from Brazil, Greece, England, Indonesia, S. Africa, and North America. The workshop consists of brief lecture parts, screenings, archive audiovisual material, discussions, and group exercises.


I can also offer lectures on the following topics:

– Art and Activism

– Art-based Research

– Art and Technology

– Understanding Art and Art Theory 

– Artistic and Cultural Expressions of Migration

– Disability in Contemporary Arts and Culture